2014: Reykjavik

Program under den nordiska journalistlärarkonferensen i Reykjavik, Island, 2014:

Onsdagen den 24 september
17:30 Ankomst och mottagning

Torsdagen den 25 september
10:00 – 12:00 Plenum 1 (Adapt or die)
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Workshops 1 – 4
15:00 – 15:30 Kaffe
15:30 – 17:00 Workshops 5 – 8
18:30 Middag

Fredagen den 26 september
10:00 – 11:30 Plenum 2 (Finansjournalistik)
11:30 – 13:30 Lunch (styrelsesmöte)
13:30 – 15:30 Workshops 9 – 14
15:30 Avslutning


1. Dramaturgi i undervisningen
Karen Løth Sass, Odense (ksa@sdu.dk) og Christina Hultin-Treutiger, JMG (kicki.hultin@jmg.gu.se)

Hvordan fastholder man et hold studerende, der er online hele tiden, der har sovet for lidt og i det hele taget bare har høje krav til underholdningsværdien i alt, hvad de foretager sig? Som underviser er man nødt til at tænke over, hvordan undervisningen kan fange og fascinere de studerende.

Det er ikke ligegyldigt, hvordan du tilrettelægger og tænker forløb og processer ind i din undervisning. Det gode energifyldte afsæt kan smitte positivt af på resten af din undervisning.

I denne workshop vil vi med eksempler, øvelser, og diskussion forsøge at styrke din sans og evne til at tænke mod en mere kreativ formidling af din undervisning.

2. Entrepreneurship
Chair: Arne Krumsvik, Oslo (Arne.Krumsvik@hioa.no)

Entrepreneurship and innovation are increasingly important skills for those wishing to work in the media industry. I will demonstrate a curriculum that prepares students for the process from idea to business plan. A systematic approach to product and business development help them to develop ideas for the most attractive parts of the market – be they should start their own business or developing a new service for an existing media company.

Mye taler for at entreprenørskap og innovasjonsevne blir en stadig viktigere kompetanse for de som ønsker å jobbe i medieindustrien. Jeg vil demonstrere et undervisningsopplegg som forbereder studentene på prosessen fra idé til forretningsplan. En systematisk tilnærming til forretningsutvikling hjelpe dem til å konsentrere idéutviklingen om de mest attraktive delene av markedet – enten de skal starte din egen virksomhet eller utvikle en ny tjeneste for en allerede eksisterende mediebedrift.

3. Praktik
Jan Örnéus, Södertörn (jan.orneus@sh.se)

I den här workshopen byter vi erfarenheter kring hur en bra praktikkurs kan läggas upp. Hur ser praktikinslagen ut i era program? Längd? Uppdelad på flera perioder? Vilken kontakt har ni med praktikplatser och handledare? Finns det platser ni säger nej till?
Är det OK med platser som gränsar till reklam, PR och content marketing?
Får praktikanterna lön?

Har ni problem med att de inte kommer tillbaka efter praktiken – att de stannar på praktikplatserna? Hur är era praktikkurser upplagda med förberedelser, eventuella mitträffar och avslutande vecka/veckor? Hur tar ni upp frågor kring hur redaktionen är organiserad och eventuella problem som visar sig i organisationen med till exempel dåliga chefer? Praktikperioden ingår i en journalistutbildning på akademisk nivå. Framgår det?Hur har ni det med litteraturanknytning mm?

Jag inleder kort med hur Södertörns utbildningar lägger upp sin praktiktermin/semester, och hoppas att ni hinner förbereda en kort presentation av era praktikkurser.

4. Levande bild och visualisering
Chair: Astrid Gynnild, Stavanger astrid.gynnild@uis.no

This workshop focuses on the emerging role of drones in visual journalism, and subsequently on the emergent awareness of flying robots in education institutions. What professional dilemmas are prompted by the rapid dissemination of civic and military video clips from the air? What aspects of drone journalism might possibly be the most important to integrate in a higher education learning environment? And consequently: In what ways might media educators provide arenas where students are challenged to reflect critically and innovatively on drone technology – from a multiplicity of perspectives?

Journalism teachers are invited to provide drone clips that have prompted public discussion in their home countries ahead of the workshop. Please send links directly to the facilitator, astrid.gynnild@uis.no. Participants are also encouraged to bring their own devices for instant online work at this session.

5. Bring your best: sharing pedagogical tools and practices for journalism education
Chair: Maarit Jaakkola, University of Tampere (maarit.jaakkola@uta.fi)

This workshop is aimed at sharing best practices applied in the journalism education at the Nordic universities. Journalism teachers are invited to present their best pedagogical tools and practical ideas in this session. The workshop is based on short presentations (à 5 min) of concrete ideas tested and developed on courses and in projects of journalistic practice. The ideas can relate, for example, to bridging the gap between theory and practice, practicing specific journalistic skills or preparing future professionals for the digital environment. Bring your own ideas along and learn from the others!
The presentations are given either in English or in Scandinavian languages. The discussions are carried out in English. Upload the programme of the workshop here

Participants for the workshop are encouraged to bring their own devices to the session, because an online participation platform will be opened for the discussion during and after the workshop.

6. Sociala medier
Chair: Ulrika Hedman, JMG (ulrika.hedman@jmg.gu.se)

Den här workshopen handlar om hur vi kan undervisa i sociala medier som ett journalistiskt arbetsredskap och ett verktyg för studentens eget nätverkande och varumärkesbyggande. Hur får vi studenterna att börja se sociala medier som ett arbetsverktyg? Vilka kunskaper vill redaktionerna ha? Hur lär vi studenterna att hantera krocken mellan det professionella och det privata som kan uppstå? Workshopen inleds med en kort redovisning av hur vi gör på JMG vid Göteborgs universitet, och i det efterföljande samtalet delar vi erfarenheter och goda exempel.

This workshop is on how we can teach social media as a professional tool and a tool for our students personal networking and branding. What is the best way to make our students regard social media as a journalistic tool? What social media skills are the newsrooms interested in? How can we help our students to deal with the blurring boundaries between the professional and the private? The workshop starts with a brief presentation on how we teach journalism in social media at the dept. of JMG, University of Gothenburg, and in the following discussion we share experiences and good practices.

7. Masterutbildning
Chair: Kristin Skare Orgeret, Oslo, (kristin.orgeret@hioa.no)

This workshop proposes a platform for discussions about what a good and relevant master program in journalism should look like. Important elements feeding into such a discussion might be the balance between theories and practice in a master program, and between exploring special areas of interest on the one hand, while honing journalistic skills and understanding on the other. How can a master in journalism best prepare the students for the legal, ethical, technological and management challenges that confront today’s and the future’s journalists? What are important features in a higher education program for those who want to become working journalists, and how can important intellectual considerations – such as the fact that academic engagement with journalism matters – be included in a curriculum? What are relevant subjects for a master thesis in journalism? How may higher education journalism training prepare for the changing nature of journalism in times where the different strands of media converge to create multimedia platforms around the world?

The workshop is aimed at sharing experiences and practices among teachers and coordinators of master programs in the Nordic countries, or for those aspiring to create a master program in journalism.

8. Digital publishing
Chair: Erik Eliasson, JMG, University of Gothenburg, erik.eliasson@gu.se

New ethic standards for online news – are we prepared? In the current pursuit for new profitable business models for online news, ethic standards tend to be put aside. Native advertising, article comments, live reporting etc. are pushing the boundaries compared to the ethic standards of newspapers.

Our students are facing a changing and unpredictable ethic landscape in digital news. Do we prepare them for this? Should we?

Examples from Sweden will be presented. If you have examples from your country, please bring them.

9. E-learning
Chair: Maarit Jaakkola, University of Tampere (maarit.jaakkola@uta.fi)

This workshop takes a look at the pedagogical possibilities of e-learning in the context of journalism education. The idea is to discuss how different processes of academic and professional learning can be conceptualized and concretely scaffolded in online environments. The questions to be addressed are the following: virtual learning environments, personal learning environments, didactic models of e-pedagogy, pedagogical uses of social media. The workshop consists of an introductory overview and group discussions with prestructured assignments. It is aimed at sharing experiences and practices among teachers but it is also directed to those who intend to get an overview over the new paradigms of e-teaching and e-learning.

10. Jämställdhet i medier
Chair: Liv Iren Hognestad, Kristiansand (liv.iren.hognestad@nla.no) og Anette Forsberg, Kalmar (anette.forsberg@lnu.se)

Hvordan underviser vi i likestilling i mediene i teori og praksis ved de ulike journalistutdanningene? Hva må til for å få rettet opp det skjeve bildet som mediene presenterer i dag? Er det i det hele tatt mulig? Samtale med utveksling av erfaringer og ideer.

Gender equality in the media – how do we teach it in theory and practice in the Nordic journalism programmes? What does it take to level out the gender differences presented by the media today? And is it even possible? Conversation based on exchange of experiences and ideas.

11. Presenting ideas at newsroom meetings
Chair: Lene Rimstad, Odense, (lri@journalism.sdu.dk)

This workshop deals with the dilemmas that face journalist students and
journalist interns, when finding suitable ideas for news stories and
presenting the idea at newsroom meetings. Research shows how daunting it is for the novice to present ideas and suggests how presenting an idea for a news story has to be part of the teaching curriculum as well as the ability to find story ideas.

Hvordan præsenterer man ideer? Denne workshop handler om de dilemmaer, som journalistpraktikanter og journaliststuderende møder, når de skal finde gode ideer til nyhedshistorier og skal præsentere ideerne på redaktionsmødet. Forskning dokumenterer, hvor skræmmende det er for en novice at præsentere en ide,så oplæringen i at få en god ide bør kombineres med øvelser i at kunne præsentere den.

12. Læringsutbyttet av det multimediale rigget om pressefrihet
Chair: Solveig Steien (Solveig.Steien@hioa.no) og Elsebeth Frey (elsebeth.frey@hioa.no), Oslo

Learning Outcome on Press Freedom through a Practical Pedagogical Tool: The ‘Rig’.
Elsebeth Frey and Solveig Steien, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
In studying a profession such as journalism, it is important for the students to work with tasks and assignments close to practice. These assignments should stimulate the students to act, to reason and reflect (Bjørke 2006:35). We have created a pedagogical tool, named the rig, by which our students would grasp the meaning and the significance of press freedom, while at the same time achieve journalistic skills. Secondly, we wanted to use the possibilities that the web gives, both in crossing boundaries and its capacity as a platform of containing all other forms of digitized media (Erdal 2008:175)

Press freedom is seen as essential for a functional democratic society (Raaum 1999). Norway scores high on indexes of press freedom compared to most countries in the world (RSF 2013) Hence, the freedom of the press may be seen as taken for granted by students of journalism as a doxic value (Benson & Neveu 2005). At the same time, in the journalistic training institutions the importance of this concept is stressed in the curriculums.

Se konferenssidan för ytterligare information om konferensen.

Det nordiska nätverket för journalistutbildningar på högskolenivå